Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 28, 2012

Several years ago I read an excellent book entitled The Power of One  by Bryce Courtenay. Here is a quote from that book that has stayed with me:

“Sometimes the slightest things change the directions of our lives, the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects like a meteorite striking the earth. Lives have swiveled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark.”

I have been thinking a lot lately about the “power of one” person or one event in our lives and how that one thing can change the course of our lives exponentially. And then I started thinking backward. About how our ancestors' lives have also affected us and their lives were also changed by one person or one event or one remark. And then it goes in the reverse exponentially. And then looking forward, how what we do, who we marry, acts of service we perform can change the lives of others including our children …………..and it goes on and on.  

I started thinking about this when we were reading in Alma 24. The Lamanites buried their weapons of war and faced their enemy defenseless because of their conversion to God. Over one thousand lost their lives for their testimonies but then many more of their enemies were converted because these brave men  had remained true to their covenants. And who converted them…..King Lamoni’s father who was converted by Aaron, who was also saved in his wickedness by the prayers of Alma who was also changed by the testimony of Abinidi and it goes on and on. The “power of one”. 

No event or person in our lives can be considered meaningless. And nothing we do in this life can be considered unimportant. It is so important to not only look back in this life but to look forward. We are the product of someone’s actions and our actions can change the lives of many. The “power of one” basically means that we are not only one. Our choices do not just affect us. They can affect generations, in the future and in the past.   

So you probably didn’t think you were going to get a philosophy lesson when you read this but if you are still reading I will now fill you in on what we have been doing this week. 

Sunday was our Stake Conference. We have been here 7 months and have had three conferences all of which I have really enjoyed. Also Sunday night we had the opportunity of attending a missionary fireside with Elder Steven E. Snow, the Church Historian. It was a great fireside and a few great quotes from that are:

You are only limited by our own lack of vision for the future.
A mission is the MTC for the rest of your lives.
At the end of each day ask, "How was I blessed today?" Be conscious of and give thanks for the blessings you receive on a daily basis. It will help you smile.
The hardest moments of life are often the most refining ones. Just as a lump of coal can become a diamond due to heat and pressure, you are also being refined by your afflictions.
Keep a daily journal. It will bless you and the lives of your ancestors. Where would we be if our ancestors from the beginning of time had not kept journals.

Missionaries at Elder Snow's Fireside

President and Sister Klebingat and elders meeting Elder Snow

Monday we met with the Ambassador of Malaysia, His Excellency Chuah Teong Ban.  He was such a gracious individual and we enjoyed our visit so much. He is also the Ambassador for Malaysia in Georgia, and an avid runner and marathoner.  It just so happens that one of his running partners is Bogdon Rudenko, our former high council representative.  It is a small world, once again. 

Ambassador Ban of Malaysia

On our way to the Embassy of Malaysia we passed by the Botanical Garden. You may remember, the one with all the lilacs in May. It was the most glorious fall day and the colors of the changing trees drew me back there after I finished work. Just three metro stops and a mile walk and I was in the midst of the brilliance of autumn. It was one of those impressions to do something that you are never sorry you followed. The very next day the rain and cold returned, and snow is predicted for the weekend.   Good-bye to autumn. 

Botanical Garden in fall

In the botanical garden

Beautiful tree leaves in the Botanical Garden

My weekly temple assignment was changed to Wednesday. I will miss all my friends from Tuesday, however I will probably still go on Tuesday to do patron work. I have met some wonderful ladies that work on Wednesday. Sister Gul’ko is a bishop’s wife that is also an English teacher. But most impressive, she translated the Book of Mormon into Ukrainian which is a totally amazing feat. You can really appreciate this if you have tried to learn this language and realize how very different English is from Ukrainian. She testifies that she had a lot of help from the prophets of the Book of Mormon. She reminds me a lot of Joan Murray Thompson and is a joy to be around.

Sister Gul'ko

Sister Shiyan

The Saints at the temple this week were from Samara, Russia. Their story is told by their hands. They are the hands of people that work hard for a living; people that work the land; people that are humbled by their circumstances but have a great love for God. 

We have some new neighbors and friends, Jed, Jill and Jessa Barton. Jed works for the State Department and most recently lived in Afghanistan. They have also lived in India and Peru. They live just a mile up our street, but oh what a difference a mile makes. Ex-pat living is pretty nice. We all went to the Symphony Friday night and had a wonderful evening. We even got to meet the world famous Maestro Roman Kofman. He conducted last week’s symphony but was in the audience for this concert.  He is such an impressive and talented individual.  

Jed, Jill and Jessa Barton

Maestro Roman Kofman

The elections are this weekend.  Friday night there were two enormous rallies.  One at St. Sophia’s Square for the party that is in control and one at the opposite end of the street at St. Michael’s for the opposition party. And these were really big deals – thousands of people at each. Since we had to go past both of them on our way to the Symphony we decided to take the bus. On the way home from the symphony we saw Khreschatyk Street lined with military armored vehicles, tanks and cannons. Maybe this is a little more serious than we have imagined. The elections are Sunday. We are so grateful for America. A blessing you don’t really appreciate until you are away.

Tanks on Khreschatyk

Political Rally at St. Sophia's Square

Today as I walked home through the monastery the sisters were wrapping all the hydrangea and small bushes. When I got to the little cemetery I thought their handiwork would be a great picture for Halloween. Looked like little ghosts in the cemetery. 

Sisters wrapping

Ghosts in the Monastery Cemetary

And so we end with a quote that accompanies the one at the beginning. This quote is by Elder Melvin J. Ballard and goes back to the message of the Power of One. There are so many people that come to the temple – the only members in their families – the “slightest thing changing the direction of their lives.” They are absolutely thrilled to be here doing the work for their ancestors whom they know without a doubt are guiding and blessing their lives. 

Why is it that sometimes only one of a city or household receives the gospel? It was made known unto me that it is because the righteous dead who have received the Gospel in the Spirit World are exercising themselves, and in answer to their prayers Elders of the church are sent to the homes of their posterity that the Gospel might be taught to them and through their righteousness they might be privileged to have a descendant in the flesh do the work for their dead kindred."
~Elder Melvin J. Ballard

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