Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 18, 2012

We are so blessed.  We live in the very heart of Kyiv.  It could be compared to living in the heart of Boston history or Philadelphia history or even Salt Lake history, however this history began way before that, as long ago as 980 A.D.  when Prince (now Saint) Vladimir began his reign and brought Christianity to Kiev.  It was here that he had built the “Tithe Church” where he gave ten percent of his income and where he and his Byzantine wife Anna are buried.  There are five historical regions in the center of Kyiv and over the next few months (when the weather improves) I will photo document  these historical places for you.  But today it is very cold and rainy and so I will work on summarizing Gary’s files and indexing (which is genealogical work that I really enjoy doing and which all of you can do from your home computers – www. 

Things to appreciate in America: hot running water in your kitchen, thermostats, traffic laws.  Why I say traffic laws – the people here drive like mad men.  They drive 80 mph on a normal downtown street,  driving on the sidewalk is allowed as is parking on sidewalks and pedestrians have no right of way,  and there are no penalties for infractions.  It is amazing that I have not seen even one accident.  I was told that if there is an accident the person driving the nicest car is always in the right. (bribes)  Sometimes with all of the cars parking on the sidewalks you have to walk around them into the street and then watch out – you are taking your life in your own hands.  Oh, by the way there is usually a least one policeman standing in every block watching life go by.  You hardly ever see a police car.

Kyiv is being rebuilt.  As I look out my front window I can see at least seven cranes all working on multi-story  modern buildings.  It is very interesting to see a mixture of the old and the new. Before we came here we heard that there were 3 million people here but the real population is over 5 million according to the locals.  I believe the latter.  There are over a million people a day that ride the metro.  One thing I forgot to mention about the metro is that each metro station has a different décor.  Some are marble and very gothic, some are mosaic and very historical, some are decorated with a lot of statuary and the newer ones are also marble and very beautiful.  There is a surprise at the end of every long escalator ride.

Monday, Gary and I did some exploring with the bus system that goes right by our apartment.  Since Monday was a holiday it was a good day to try out the busses as they were not crowded.  The sites were beautiful and that is how I learned about all of the wonderful areas we have to explore on Saturdays. 
Gary is traveling to Donetsk  today.  I am going to International Women’s Club of Kyiv humanitarian project and tomorrow it is Stake Temple Day so I will be going to the temple for the first time.  It is out by where we go to church.  This weekend is stake conference and we will be doing baptisms for the dead on Saturday morning.  Then in two weeks I signed us up to clean the church.  (Starting to sound a little like home?? It is, in so many ways.)  

My thought for today:   As I have been studying the scriptures I have found over and over the pattern used by many to gain a testimony.  1.  Desire to know, study to learn, live to merit and pray to receive.  If you look for this pattern as you read scriptures and especially the Book of Mormon you will find it repeated over and over.  As you follow this pattern your testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will grow.  We love you all.  

1 comment:

Rebecca WOod said...

We miss your presence in our ward! Graydon misses Gary as his home teaching companion. I found out that a couple from my home town is also in Kyiv, Marti and Ralph Mayberry. If you get a chance to meet them could you please tell Marti that her "skinny friend" says "hi." She was our camp director one year and we had to carry our cots a real long way (say it with dramatic effect). I told her I was too skinny to do it, and it sort of stuck. What great examples you guys are to us!
Much love from the Woods